New Beginnings!

Tonight is the 4th Playing with Paint class at Michael’s Cuisine, Fort Worth TX.  I’m dedicating this class to my dear friend.  She’s that friend that filled my emotional tank full of fuel when my own pump went dry.  She gave me the opportunity to access my own courage for a “new beginning”.    How often do we believe in “New beginnings” because something seems broken or in need of improvement?  Have you ever known anyone to leave a perfectly good marriage?  Tonight’s class is about the “New beginnings” we take even when life is perfect.  Just like the master wine maker who hand picks the finest grapes from a perfect harvest, and takes those perfect grapes and crushes perfection to create a “Special Edition” vintage.  Tonight we’ll paint with inspiration of when we take the perfection of our life and make it into a “Special Edition” for our very own “Private Collection”.  “New beginnings” aren’t just needed when  the tank goes dry, but when it’s full and we have all our resources in place to create something that reflects our own most authentic beauty!  How did my dear friend fill my tank?  She put a mirror in front of my soul and reflected back to me that which already resided inside of me.  She reminded me that I was my own “Special Edition” and it was time to expose to the world my “Private Collection”!

About brandicottingham

I'm a self taught artist, blogger, mom, bone collector, creative passionate soul with my life work to connect the collective consciousness to a lifestyle of "Right Thinking" meaning allowing the right brain creativity and imagination to flow through all aspects of life!
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5 Responses to New Beginnings!

  1. Ginney says:

    Awesome…good for you! Congrats for putting yourself out there! Great selection of original art as well.


  2. Pam says:

    looking forward to your blog.


  3. Carol Boarman says:

    I’m really impressed that you art goes so deep. Your writing is your true talent as well, if not more so. You make me feel that I need to give my blog some attention. You have put me to shame. I didn’t realize that you were so serious about your art as I didn’t think you took any art classes while in school.
    Carol Boarman


    • Ms. Carol you must know that meeting you as a teenager has been one of my longest insprations. You are titled “The First Real Artist” I ever met! Going to your home was like a candy shop for my creatively fertile mind. I had the luxury of living with your daughter in my 20’s and having your fantasitc paintings all over our Broadripple Condo. I declared then I would own an original Carol Boarman. This dream has not been realized but still declared and a decade and half later I find my own home taking on a similar version of what my childhood memory reminds me.


  4. Barb Ahlquist says:

    I am so proud of you Brandi. It is wonderful to have a passion in your life. It is even better when you do something with it as you have. I enjoy having you share your thoughts with us.
    Love, barb


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